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At Skegby Junior Academy, we have designed a curriculum that takes into consideration: the needs and character of our children, the children’s prior learning, children’s experiences, the community in which the academy exists, the National Curriculum and educational research relevant to our academy.

Our curriculum is underpinned by our SMART Values and 5Rs.

Our SMART Values

Successful People


Active and Healthy

Ready to Learn



Our 5 Rs





Risk Taking

Equality and SEND:

Our curriculum is tailored to ensure it meets the requirements of the Equality Act and SEND regulations with an inclusive approach, through creating equality of opportunity and fostering good relations, ensuring pupils are not unlawfully discriminated against because of their sex, race, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation. Provision for SEND pupils is tailored to their requirements through a graduated approach and via their PLP (Personal Learning Plans). These are reviewed and amended termly to ensure that they reflect their current requirements.

Curriculum Definitions:

When collating this policy we have agreed the following definitions:

Intent – everything that happens in the curriculum up to the point of delivering it (before the teaching)

Implementation – everything that happens in the classroom (the teaching)

Impact – children knowing more, remembering more and understanding more

Please refer to our Curriculum Statement below for more information, including the intent, implementation and impact statements.

Parents can access more information about our curriculum in the Parents section of this website.